Hello! My name is Travis Roesler and I created New Jersey Personal Training and MMA to help meet your unique training needs. NJPT is a one-man operation and until very recently, my publicity has only been fueled by word of mouth.

After constant pressure from my trainees to put up a web site and share my methods (check out the videos or ‘Training’ section), I have created this site which I will do my best to make awesome. I’m no web guru so bear with me… I’m better at being hit in the face by boxing gloves.

The blog contains both articles that I have written to teach you guys some stuff and other random commentary to inspire thought. I pretend to be a writer on top of being a personal trainer.

This is not your run of the mill, corporate gym, but a small private training studio where function and results reign supreme. I have no interest in making you sign a contract or having your credit card automatically billed. Believe me, I didn’t get involved in the business of training people for the money involved 😉

While I worked for a while as a personal trainer at age 16, my path in this field has truly been accidental. After playing football at the University of Pennsylvania and walking away from the sport to fight professionally, I started to get a lot of attention on campus. There wasn’t anyone else at my Ivy League University fighting for money, so I started to stick out a bit, and suddenly people knew who I was.

One random day, my classmate Bari asked me if I would teach her how to fight, and to be her personal trainer. She wanted to learn mixed martial arts, and to get into better shape.

I had never taught anyone before, but I’m a logical guy and I was sure it wouldn’t be hard. Plus, I knew a billion exercises and had extensively studied the science behind exercise and physical development (I was very into weightlifting growing up and a bookworm too).

We got to work at the campus gym and from that point on we were interrupted constantly by people who also wanted to learn how to fight and undertake this kind of training program.

Within weeks I had a dozen clients and after several months I was teaching and training out of my apartment almost full time. I was happily surprised by the response but also a little freaked out, within weeks my priorities and schedule had done a back-flip.

I had my own personal training business started even before I graduated from business school or received my minor in nutrition. I always thought that I would be a CEO or be stuck in a suit doing something. Instead I just ended up helping people to achieve their physical goals or learn how to fight like champions.
“People rarely succeed in their work, unless they have fun doing it. I love being able to offer the kind of personal training that get’s results every time.”

It’s a humble life but I guess somebody’s got to do it 🙂

I’ve been really fat before. Its not hard for me to understand what it’s like to take a look at yourself in the mirror and be less than content. I remember the first time that I noticed stretch marks starting to form on my stomach. Needless to say, I felt pretty disgusted.

While I was a football player and I could make the case that my weight was functional, I certainly felt like crap and made a commitment to change.

I utilized my knowledge of nutrition, exercise, and martial arts training to create a program that I stuck to no matter what. It was not easy, I certainly didn’t feel great all of the time. I had moments of severe discouragement and doubt, but they were to be expected.

No one feels motivated every day they’re on a diet!

It took me four or five months to lose 60 lbs. After a year I had lost 80. Just by keeping the same practices and habits loosely in mind, I haven’t put a pound of it back on.
“Developing good habits and incorporating them into your lifestyle permanently is the key to long term success in the physical realm.”

When people ask me what I do for a living, I often hesitate. I don’t like telling people that I’m a “trainer”. Frequently my response is, “I teach people how to fight and how to get in shape.”

I don’t lack pride in being a ‘personal trainer’, I just get a bad impression in my mind when I hear the word. To me, a trainer is frequently someone who follows you around the gym and tells you which machine to use or what exercise to do. When that exercise is over, they pick another one for you. After an hour, you are tired, you pay the person, and go home.

You develop a reliance upon someone else motivating you to do something that you could have done yourself. You could have blind-folded yourself, stumbled around your gym, done a set on whatever machine you bumped into, and probably had similar results.

If you don’t learn anything about constructing a workout or a diet, you are going to have to pay that trainer forever to think for you! With the amount they cost, and the product they offer, it doesn’t surprise me that most diet and exercise programs fail.
“My type of personal training is designed to educate my trainees so that after a little while they can do all of this stuff on their own without paying me to be there.

I want to put something new in your mind each time you enter my gym and teach you how to apply the principal on your own time. Sometimes this may be a new exercise concept. Other times, it could be a martial arts technique. This all depends on you, and the goals that you have, but it will always be well designed, functional exercise.

If you want to learn how to fight, you will learn something new about MMA every time you step foot in my dojo. This technique will also be specific to you and your body type.

I will push you to work beyond a level that you would have reached on your own.

There is a plan behind every workout and I am always happy to explain exactly why this method of action works in accordance with your goals. Changing your body and skills is not magic, it’s science and a little hard work.

If you get to the point that you no longer need me present to accomplish what you need to accomplish, I am happy to release you into the world as an educated athlete. You will be free to do what you wish with the techniques that you have learned (especially if that means writing me a testimonial 🙂

Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. I love fish.

To contact me, you can email me at NJPTStudios@gmail.com or call me on my cell phone any time at (908) 902-8475

Let's Train...


3 Parkway Place, Red Bank NJ 07701

7am - 8pm EST Mon - Sun

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